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Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 16, Issue 7, Cumulated No. 149, July 25, 2020

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The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 25, 2020. 

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                             Marsland Press, 310 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA. Telephones: 718-404-5362; 347-321-7172




Titles / Authors





Review on avian encephalomyelitis


Tsehaye Neges1 and Haftey Sahle2


1DVM, Area Sales Manager (ASM) at Ethiochicken, Tigray, Ethiopia

2DVM, field Practitioner at Tanqua abergele, Tigray, Ethiopia



Abstract: Summary: This paper is mainly aimed to review the avian encephalomyelitis. Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) is an economic concern to poultry industry as it causes economic loss by declining egg production in laying hens as well as egg hatchability . This disease is very common in commercial aviculture which is caused by genus Tremovirus, family of Picornavirridae. It is essentially an enteric infection which can be acquired horizontally between birds by oral ingestion and vertically from infected breeding females through the egg to progeny. It affects mainly young chicken and it is characterized by neurological signs like ataxia and rapid tremors of the head and neck giving rise to the former name of ‘‘Epidemic Tremor ” but no gross lesions are seen in the brain of birds. Both morbidity and mortality can be 50% sometimes reach up to 60% and Its Vertical infection followed by horizontal infection causes a characteristic biphasic mortality pattern. Protection against this virus can be successfully achieved by using the appropriate vaccine strains. Vaccinated birds are life time immune and recovered do not spread the virus. Wild birds are not considered as reservoir of the virus which poses no threat to the human and this disease is not considered as zoonotic disease. Therefore it can be concluded that AE is economically important viral disease which can hinders the poultry production, so it is recommended to control the disease by proper vaccination of parent stock.

[Tsehaye N and Haftey S. Review on avian encephalomyelitis. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):1-7]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 1. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.01.


Keywords: avian encephalomyelitis, chicken, vaccination

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Hypoglycemic Patient Transported by EMS in Makkah Region, 2017


Shammah Ahmed Ali 1, Mohammad Khairat1, Tharwat Helmi1, Mohammed AL-Ali2, Safi Alqarhi2, Khalid AL-qarni2, Hosam Balqasim2, Osama Alghamdi2, Gathlan Alruhaily2 and Mahmood Khan2.


1 Department of Clinical Technology, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, EMS, Umm AL-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.

2 Emergency Medical Services Student, EMS, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.


Abstract: Objective: To estimate the incident rate of the hypoglycemic patients transported by EMS and to evaluate EMS primary impression for these patients. Methods and Design: Retrospective, observational study was based on data for 150,563 SAUDI RED CRESENT AUTHORITY Transported Patients during 2017. Subjects were defined as having Hypoglycemia if EMS personnel recorded a primary impression of hypoglycemia or low blood glucose (<60 mg/dL Or "unspecified low"). The outcome of interest was patient transport or non-transport to an emergency department or other care settings. Results: Among 150,563 eligible encounters, 1984 (1.29%) were diagnosed with hypoglycemia, of which 536 (27%) were not transported. Non- transported was more likely among male adult patients age (40-59), initial blood glucose <60 mg/dl or EMS arrival time midnight – 6 A.M. Conclusion: A low rate of the non-transported patient to ED, Imperfect agreement between a primary impression of hypoglycemia and documented low blood glucose.

[Shammah Ahmed Ali, Mohammad Khairat, Tharwat Helmi, Mohammed AL-Ali, Safi Alqarhi, Khalid AL-qarni, Hosam Balqasim, Osama Alghamdi, Gathlan Alruhailyand Mahmood Khan. Hypoglycemic Patient Transported by EMS in Makkah Region, 2017. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):8-11]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 2. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.02.


Keywords: hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus, transportation of the patient, Saudi red crescent authority, emergency medical services

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Experimental Investigation of Solar-Thermoelectric Power Generator


Amira Omar, Mostafa Ali and M. Halawa


Mech. Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


Abstract: Due to traditional electricity power shortage. Photovoltaic (PV) system is a good choice to overcome this problem. The PV modules are used to capture and convert solar energy into electricity. The PV system were designed, constructed and enhanced by using thermoelectric (TE) device which act as a generators increasing the total output power. The present modified system consist of PV solar plate which faces the solar radiation from the top while the TE modules (hot junction) are attached on the back side of the PV plate. The experimental results are performed with two arrangements of thermoelectric devices in the back of PV solar plate. The study is conducted to include enhancement of temperature difference through the TE module by applying excess cooling by the forced convection fan. Comparison was made between the obtained results from the present modified (PV/TE) system and the traditional PV system. Using PV/TE system, the efficiency increases to reach about 26.6 % while it was 17.56 % in the absence of TE system at symmetric case arrangement. But in case of unsymmetrical arrangement using PV/TE system the efficiency increases to reach to 27.2 % while it was 18 % in the absence of TE system.

[Amira Omar, Mostafa Ali and M. Halawa. Experimental Investigation of Solar-Thermoelectric Power Generator. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):12-19]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 3. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.03.


Keywords: Thermoelectric generator, Photovoltaic cell, conversion efficiency, Hybrid PV/TE system

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Study of the Effect of Haemodiafiltration on the CKD-MBD in Regular Haemodialysis Patients


Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abd El Aziz Kora, Dr. Ahmed Ragheb Tawfeek, Dr. Heba Elsayed Kasem, Mohamed Samy Kamel El Gendy


Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt

2Resident of Nephrology, El Sahel Teaching Hospital, Egypt


Abstract: Renal replacement therapy (RRT) replaces nonendocrine kidney function in patients with renal failure and is occasionally used for some forms of poisoning. Techniques include continuous hemofiltration and hemodialysis, intermittent hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis. All modalities exchange solute and remove fluid from the blood, using dialysis and filtration across permeable membranes. In our study, we studied 100 patients divided into 2 groups. (1) Group (1) included 60 patient were on heamodilysis. (2) Group (2) included 40 patient were on haemodiafiltration. In our study, we found a highly statistical significant difference (P value <0.001) between 2 groups regarding the mean of (PTH). By comparison between the two groups we found a significant difference in The level of Parathyroid Hormone as a high level of PTH with HD in comparison with HDF. In our study, we found a highly statistical significant difference (P value <0.000) between 2 groups regarding the mean of S. Phosphrus and by the way Ca * Po4 level. By comparison between the two groups we found a significant difference in the level of S. Phosphrus as a high level of Po4 with HD in comparison with HDF. Serum phosphate levels >3.5 mg/dl were associated with a significantly increased risk for death. Mortality risk increased linearly with each subsequent 0.5-mg/dl increase in serum phosphate levels. So Our Study prove that there is a great effect of HDF on bone mineral diseases and this effect go in agreement with many studies that encourage use of HDF for CKD-MBD patients. We found a significant difference in the level of Albumin as the level of Albumin with HDF (mean 3.36 ± 0.21) in comparison with HD (mean 3.39 ± 0.21). As we know that Middle molecules, consisting mostly of peptides and small proteins with molecular weight the range of 500-60,000 Da, accumulate in renal failure and contribute to the uraemic toxic state. Β2-Microglobulin (Β2-MG) with a molecular weight of 11,000 is considered representative of these middle molecules. This convective component of high-flux dialysis can be enhanced in a predictable way by haemodiafi ltration (HDF). In our study, we found by a comparison between the two groups we found a significant difference in the level of B2 Microglobulin as a high level of with HD VS in HDF and this revealed an inverse correlation between the β2-microglobulin level and the duration of HDF. So Long-term HDF further reduced β2-microglobulin levels, thus, it may provide an improved modality for renal replacement therapy. So we encourage Long-term HDF which may provide an Optimum modality as renal replacement therapy for prevention of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, HDF can clinically reduce the incidence of dialysis related amyloidosis.

[Mahmoud Abd El Aziz Kora, Ahmed Ragheb Tawfeek, Heba Elsayed Kasem, Mohamed Samy Kamel El Gendy. Study of the Effect of Haemodiafiltration on the CKD-MBD in Regular Haemodialysis Patients. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):20-25]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 4. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.04.


Keywords: Study; Effect; Haemodiafiltration; CKD-MBD; Regular; Haemodialysis; Patient

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Aboodh Transform Approach To Power Series


Dr. Dinesh Verma


Associate Professor, Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology, Jammu

Email: drdinesh.maths@gmail.com


Abstract: In Mathematics, a power series in one variable is an infinite series. In this paper, we will find the Aboodh Transform of some power series. The purpose of paper is to prove the applicability of Aboodh transform to some infinite power series.

[Dinesh Verma. Aboodh Transform Approach To Power Series. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):26-32]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 5. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.05.


Keywords: Aboodh transformation, Power series.

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Evaluation of Bone Density after Bone Condensation around Immediate Loaded Dental Implants using Different Techniques


Amira Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Attia1*, Wael Mohamed Said Ahmed2, Mai Ahmed Haggag3, Mohamed Abdel-Moniem Tawfik4


1Teaching assistant at oral and maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of dentistry -Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt

2Assistant professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry - Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt

3Lecturer of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty of Dentistry - Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt

4Professor & Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry - Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt

Emails: sweety_amira6@hotmail.com, drwaelmohamed2020@gmail.com, drmaihaggag5@gmail.com, memotaw2002@gmail.com


Abstract: Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the bone density changes around immediate loaded dental implants after bone condensation with different techniques. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one implants were inserted in 14 female patients with missing maxillary posterior teeth. Patients were randomly divided according to the method of osseocondensation into three equal groups. Group I: The osseodensification technique was performed by densah burs, which followed by immediate implantation. Group II: Bone expander technique was used and followed by immediate implantation. Group III: Conventional surgical drilling technique was used and followed by immediate placement of implant with progressive threads design. Implant stability was clinically assessed at three and six months post-operatively. Moreover, Peri-implant Probing Depth (PPD) and Modified Sulcus Bleeding Index (mSBI) were evaluated at three and six months post-operatively. For radiographic assessment of bone density, CBCT was obtained preoperatively, and immediately postoperative. All clinical and radiographic data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Regarding implant stability, PPD and mSBI, no statistically significant difference was found between the three groups. The immediate postoperative bone density showed significant increase in the three groups when compared with the preoperative bone density. Conclusion: Bone density measurements increased postoperatively as a result of bone compression around the placed implants, which is important especially in areas of poor bone quality as the posterior maxilla for enhancing the initial implant stability.

[Amira Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Attia, Wael Mohamed Said Ahmed, Mai Ahmed Haggag, Mohamed Abdel-Moniem Tawfik. Evaluation of Bone Density after Bone Condensation around Immediate Loaded Dental Implants using Different Techniques. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):33-42]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 6. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.06.


Keywords: bone condensation; densah burs; bone expanders; implant with progressive threading

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Cephalometric Evaluation of Skeletal Anterior Open Bite Cases Treated by Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Segments via Miniscrews


Mohamed Elsayed Saad Ebrahim


Department of Orthodontic, Faculty of Dentistry, Menia University, Egypt.


Abstract: Introduction: There are no exaggeration to say that treatment of an anterior open bite cases are challenging orthodontic problem to treat. Surgical and non-surgical correction of anterior open bite are aiming to obtain an adequate amount of overlap of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. The aim of this study is to evaluate the cephalometric changes and amount of molar intrusion obtained by the use of bonded acrylic hyrax supported by four miniscrews as an anchorage for intrusion of maxillary posterior buccal segment. Materials and Methods: The selected sample size was ten patients (4 males and 6 females), ranging from 15.6 to 31.1 years of age (mean 21.30 years, SD ± 5.91 years), with skeletal anterior open bite were treated by intrusion of maxillary buccal posterior segment with miniscrews assisted intrusive device system which composed of four miniscrews (Anchor unit), bonded acrylic maxillary hyrax expander with bite blocks (Reactive unit) and Nickel Titanium closed coil spring. Pre-treatment and Post-treatment lateral cephalograms were compared. Results: Maxillary first molars were intruded significantly by -2.95 mm + 1.04 mm (P<0.005). The lower anterior facial height was reduced statistically by -3.30 mm + 1.16 mm (P<0.005). Conclusion: Miniscrews assisted acrylic bonded hyrax expander can provide effective and efficient intrusion for maxillary posterior buccal segment to correct anterior open bite (AOB). Controlling the vertical position of lower mandibular posterior buccal segment is the key element in obtaining a significant decrease in lower anterior facial height and reduction of facial convexity by the forward movement of the chin.

[Mohamed Elsayed Saad Ebrahim. Cephalometric Evaluation of Skeletal Anterior Open Bite Cases Treated by Intrusion of Maxillary Posterior Segments via Miniscrews. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):43-60]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 7. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.07.


Keywords: Skeletal Anterior, Intrusion, Maxillary Posterior, Miniscrews, Anterior Open Bite (AOB)

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[J Am Sci 2020;16(7):61-66]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 8.


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Performance and Health Status of Rabbit fed sole or mixtures of Leaves of Parcuetina nigrescens and Sunflower


Oladele-Bukola1, M.O., Popoola1, Y.A., Banjoko3, O.J., Olakojo1, T.A., Bolaji1, A.A., Durotoye1, E.S., Omole1, A.J.


1. Obafemi Awolowo University, Institute Of Agricultural Research and Training Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria

2. Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan

3. Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Ibadan, Nigeria.

oladelebukolamutiu@gmail.com, omoleboye@yahoo.com


Abstract: The feeding trial consisted of 3 treatments (N1 – N3) and each treatment was replicated 4 times with 4 rabbits per replicate in a completely randomized design. Rabbits in Treatment 1 (N1) were fed solely on leaf of sunflower (SF) (control), in treatment 2, rabbits were fed Parcuetina nigrescens leaf (PN) alone (N2), while rabbit in treatment 3 (N3) were fed leaves of sunflower + Parcuetina nigrescens leaf in ratio 1:1. Parameters collected were feed intake, weight gain feed conversion ratio, dressing percentage among others. There was no significant difference in the daily fed intake of the rabbit fed solely either PN and SF (p>0.05), the values ranged between 68.92g/day in N3 and 69.12g/day in N1 (p>0.05). There was a significant difference in the mean weight of the rabbits fed experimental forages (p<0.05). The highest weight gain was recorded in the rabbit fed PN alone which was relatively the same with those fed mixtures of PN and SF (p>0.05). The feed conversion ratio in N2 and N3 was not significantly different from each other (p>0.05). The crude protein and fibre digestibilities were better in the rabbits fed N2 than N1 (p<0.05). The highest dressing percentage was recorded in N2 which was not significantly different from N3. The heart, liver and lung weight percentages were relatively the same in all the treatments (p>0.05). Based on the results of better weight gain, feed efficiency, zero mortality, higher dressing percentage recorded in the treatment fed solely PN and its mixtures with sunflower, also feeding PN to rabbits did not have any adverse effect on health status of the rabbits, it could be concluded that Parcuetina nigrenscens could be used as alternative feed resource for rabbits.

[Oladele-Bukola, M.O., Popoola, Y.A., Kehinde, A.S., Banjoko, O.J., Durotoye, E.S., Omole, A.J. Performance and Health Status of Rabbit fed sole or mixtures of Leaves of Parcuetina nigrescens and Sunflower. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):67-70]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 9. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.09.


Keywords: Alternative, Parcuetina nigrenscens, Performance, Rabbit, Sunflower

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Bioremediation of Crude Oil Polluted Soil using Biofertilizer from Nitrogen-Fixing and Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria


Barivule Girigiri, Caroline N. Ariole and Herbert O. Stanley


Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P.M.B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.



Abstract: This study examined bioremediation of crude oil polluted soil (PS) stimulated with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB). Five set-ups designated as A (500 g PS + 50 g NFB); B (500 g PS + 50 g PSB); C (500 g PS + 50 g NFB+PSB); D (500 g PS + 50 g NPK); and E (500 g PS only: control) were designed. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) were monitored for 4 weeks. Toxicity of the biofertilizer on maize plant was determined. The combination of the biofertilizers with normal soil for the ecotoxicity testing was in the following ratios: 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100. The NFB were classified as Azotobacter sp. and Rhizobium sp. while the PSB identifies as Pseudomonas and Bacillus using their 16S rRNA gene sequences and deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers MN134485.1-MN134488.1. After 28 days study, TPH reductions were 97.8%, 97.5%, 94.3%, 92.1%, and 34.6% in NFB, NFB+PSB, PSB, NPK treatments, and control. There was significant difference (P<0.05) between the set-ups when compared to the control. For toxicity testing, the 25:75 concentration in all treatment set-ups best supported plant growth. It was concluded that biofertilizer is effective in remediating oil contaminated soil and in improving soil fertility.

[Girigiri, B., Ariole, C. N. and Stanley, H. O. Bioremediation of Crude Oil Polluted Soil using Biofertilizer from Nitrogen-Fixing and Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria. J Am Sci 2020;16(7):71-88]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 10. doi:10.7537/marsjas160720.10.


Keywords: bioremediation, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria.

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 The manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from June 25, 2020. 

 All comments are welcome: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com, or contact with author(s) directly.

For back issues of the Journal of American Science, click here.

Emails: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com

doi prefix: 10.7537

Global Impact Factor: 0.324 (2012); 0.453 (2013); 0.564 (2014); 0.675 (2015)

InfoBase Index IF: 4.79 (2015)

ICV 2013: 7.63

Journal Index I2OR

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