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Science Journal


The Journal of American Science

(J Am Sci)

ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online), doi prefix: 10.7537, Monthly

Volume 18, Issue 5, Cumulated No. 171, May 25, 2022

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The following manuscripts are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from April 3, 2022. 

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*Sangeeta and **Dr. Vipin Kumar


*Research Scholar, Department of Physics, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

** Professor, Department of Physics, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

Email: rao.sangeeta1993@gmail.com


Abstract: The membranes used here as templates were of Makrofol KG foil (polycarbonate from Bayer AG), 10 µm thick, having an average pore diameter ~2 µm with pore density 2 × 106 cm-2. This was prepared by irradiating the foil with Si8+, energy ca. 100 MeV at 900 at the GPSC of the Pelletron at the IUAC, New Delhi, India, followed by chemical amplification of the damage trails by etching in 6 N NaOH, at 50±20 C for 35 min. SEM photograph displaying the top view of the synthesized microstructures. Earlier it has been reported that if the dimensions of the pores were small, it would suppress the fractal like cauliflower morphology, which is a usual feature in electrodeposited II–VI materials (Klein et al 1993). In the present case, a close view of the microstructures depicting the typical cauliflower morphology of the synthesized CdS microstructures is obtained. In order to fabricate CdS nanowires in AAMs, the cathode of the two-electrode deposition cell was closely covered with gold coated AAMs. The cathode was made highly smooth and the electrolyte and deposition conditions were maintained same as described for deposition through TEMs.

[Sangeeta, Kumar, V. GENERATION OF NANO-/MICROSTRUCTURES OF CdS AND ZnO USING ELECTRODEPOSITION AND THEIR CHARACTERIZATION. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):1-9]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 1. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.01.


Keywords: Templates, Nano/Microstructure, Electrodeposition, CdS and ZnO

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Role of Epstein-Barr viral genes in lytic and latent states


Iman, M. Bastawecy1, Mahmoud A. Freeg1 and Abdelfattah, M. A2 


1Dept. of Virology, Animal Health Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

 2Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts, 6th of October, Giza, Egypt

Email: iman_baz@yahoo.com


Abstract: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is world widely distributed. About 98% of adults are infected with EBV. Early childhood is shown to be infected with EBV, EBV possesses many proteins having sequence and functional homology with many human proteins. EBV open reading frames such as BRLF1, BRCF1, BARF1, BHRF1 and BILF1 program the host for lytic and latent states as well as acute and chronic infections. EBV can induce production of some cytokines such as IL-15 (with TNF-α), IL-10, and IL-6. On conclusion, much organized efforts in the future studies are needed for EBV to be controlled as with the time pass, our bodies will become saturated with this virus. our recommendations are retrospective identification of the previously discovered viruses with electron microscopy, followed by whole genome sequencing, sequencing of whole glycoprotein B gene for any suspected herpesvirus, extensive studies for autoimmune antibodies to know if they are idiopathic or for enveloped EBV or its components and finally considering feces one of the modes for infection.

[Iman, M. Bastawecy, Mahmoud A. Freeg and Abdelfattah, M. A Role of Epstein-Barr viral genes in lytic and latent states. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):10-15]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 2. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.02.


Keywords: EBV genes, pediatric hepatitis, thrombosis, fetal anomalies.

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Iranian Nation-State Building Chronological Continuance or Politicized Changes?


Azam Molaee1, lireza Azghandi2


1 Department of International Relation, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2Department of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran



Abstract: This article examines the nation- state building status in Iran since the formation of first national government in this country (1925). From a constructivist view, I have concentrated to analyze and compare the nation-state building process in Pahlavi regime and the Islamic Republic of Iran and tried to answer the following question: Whether the outbreak of Islamic revolution totally transformed the assumptions on national state or Islamic Republic has just developed this incomplete process and made it more perfect? Central idea of this paper is that the Islamic republic despite deep differences in values, identities, and norms with Pahlavi regime, continued the process which formerly began in its own way and in accordance to its norms. Due to weaknesses and strengths of both Pahlavi and Islamic Republic in nation-state building process, the point is that no one can talk about the outstanding developments of Islamic Republic in this area.

[Azam Molaee, lireza Azghandi. Iranian Nation-State Building Chronological Continuance or Politicized Changes? J Am Sci 2022;18(5):16-27]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 3. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.03.


Key words: Nation State, Territorial Satiation, National Cohesion and Integration, Political Stability

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Estimating Uncertain Parameters of a Diabetic Model Via Homotopy Optimization Method


Navid Khajehpour *, Reihane Kardehi Moghaddam


Department of Electrical Engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.

navid.khajepor@mshdiau.ac.ir , r_kardehi_moghaddam@mshdiaum.ac.ir

Corresponding Author Email: navid.khajepor@mshdiau.ac.ir


Abstract: One limitation on evaluation of uncertain biological systems is existence of uncertain parameters which are not measurable with noninvasive instrument. In   such systems proposing a method which estimates these parameters from measurable outputs of system is a problem of interest. In this paper, we use a Homotopy based estimating method. By decreasing Homotopy parameter the initial problem which has the form of a high gain observer gradually transforms to a parameter estimation problem. This gradual transform to the main problem provides the capability of finding the global optimal value of uncertain parameter. This method is applied to diabetic system to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Homotopy method in obtaining the best estimate of uncertain parameters by finding the global minimum of a proposed optimization problem.

[Navid Khajehpour, Reihane Kardehi Moghaddam. Estimating Uncertain Parameters of a Diabetic Model Via Homotopy Optimization Method. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):28-37]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 4. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.04.


Key words: Homotopy optimization method, Diabetic system, Parameter estimation, Global minimization

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Relationship between Organizational Commitments and Teacher’s Personal and Work Characteristics


Mojgan Mirza and Ma’rof Redzuan *, Hanina Halimatusaadiah Hamsan, Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin


Department of Social and Development Science, Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

E-mail: Mirza_kla@yahoo.com, * marof@putra.upm.edu.my


Abstract: The development of organizational commitment related to personal and work characteristics of school teacher’s is still not well understood and very few studies have explored this concept. Hence, empirical research-evidence is needed to support the proposed link between teachers’ commitment and their personal–work characteristics in schools as educational organizations. Participant’s teachers (n=513) in this study were asked to provide their demographic information and organizational commitment based on Meyer & Allen’s Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. In order to identify the relationship between variables of the study, ANOVA was employed. Result indicated that there is no relationship between age, gender, and educational level of teacher and teacher’s affective, continuance, and normative commitment. Whereas, variables such as total number of years of experience in educational institutions, total number of years of teaching experience, total number of years of teaching experience in current school, and teacher involved to decision making have shown significant influence on teacher’s affective, continuance and normative commitment. Findings of this research help psychological researchers, school managers and educational organizations to increase their teacher’s commitment by focus on work characteristics in order to high productivity and performance.

[Mojgan Mirza and Ma’rof Redzuan *, Hanina Halimatusaadiah Hamsan, Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin. Relationship between Organizational Commitments and Teacher’s Personal and Work Characteristics. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):38-42]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 5. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.05.


Key words: organizational commitment, Teacher, Demographics

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*Dr. Komal Lata Nagpal and **Showkeen Ahmad Gulzar


*Associate Professor, Department of Botany, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Botany, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**e-mail- gulshowkeen838@gmail.com


Abstract: The availability of whole genome sequence of rice has contributed to the rapid development in the area of functional genomics of salt tolerance in rice, which has paved a way for identifying new genes and pathways. Transgenic and breeding crop varieties with in-built salt tolerance are the most economical, less resource consuming and socially acceptable approach. Extensive germplasm collection provides a useful source of genetic diversity for the studied traits.

 [Nagpal, K.L. and Gulzar, S.A.. STUDY ON APPROACHES TO IMPROVE SALT TOLERANT IN RICE. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):43-46]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 6.doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.06.


Keywords: Rice, India, Salt, Tolerance

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*Dr. Rajni and **Hilal Ahmad Dar


*Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**Research Scholar, Department of Environmental Science, SunRise University, Alwar, Rajasthan (India)

**e-mail- Gowhardar393@gmail.com


Abstract: Solid waste management practices can differ for residential and industrial producers, for urban and rural areas, and for developed and developing nations. The administration of non-hazardous waste in metropolitan areas is the job of local government authorities. On the other hand, the management of hazardous waste materials is typically the responsibility of those who generate it, as subject to local, national, and even international authorities.Around the world, waste generation rates are rising. In 2016, the worlds’ cities generated 2.01 billion tons of solid waste, amounting to a footprint of 0.74 kilograms per person per day. With rapid population growth and urbanization, annual waste generation is expected to increase by 70% from 2016 levels to 3.40 billion tons in 2050.

 [Rajni and Dar, H.A. STUDY ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. J Am Sci  2022;18(5):47-52]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 7.doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.07.


Keywords: Solid, Waste, Management, Rural Areas

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Effect of Nanosilica on Critical Micelle Concentration of a Novel Sugarbased Surfactant -EOR Implication


Mohammad Ali Ahmadi1*, Seyed Reza Shadizadeh2


1) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Ahwaz Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran

2) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Abadan Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Abadan, Iran



Abstract: Over 40% of the current world conventional oil production comes from carbonate reservoirs; dominantly mature and declining giant oilfields.  After primary and secondary oil production stages using tertiary oil production methods as part of an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) scheme is inevitable.  Surfactant flooding aims at reducing the mobility ratio through lowering the interfacial tension between oil and water and mobilizing the residual oil.  This article highlights the effect of nanosilica on critical micelle concentration of Zyziphus Spina Christi, a novel surfactant, in aqueous solutions for EOR and reservoir stimulation purposes.  A conductivity technique was used to assess the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the surfactant in aqueous phase. Electrical conductivity measured at 25oC. The influence of nanosilica concentrations on CMC variation of selected surfactant is considered. It was found the addition of nanosilica increase the CMC of surfactant decreases. Results from this study can help in appropriate selection of surfactants in design of EOR schemes and reservoir stimulation plans in carbonate reservoirs.

[Mohammad Ali Ahmadi, Seyed Reza Shadizadeh. Effect of Nanosilica on Critical Micelle Concentration of a Novel Sugarbased Surfactant -EOR Implication. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):53-60]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 8. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.08.


Keywords: Nanosilica, Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic, Critical Micelle Concentration, Nonionic Surfactant, Conductivity

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Survay  the Effect  of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Culture in Petrochemical Industry in Iran


Ali jokar

Senior lecturer and Instructor of Shahid Sattari Aviation University, Tehran, Iran



Abstract: The external environment for many companies nowadays is characterized by turbulence associated with globalization, changing customers and investor demands, increasing product market competition, technology growth, considering knowledge and learning as the main assets of organizations and rapid increasing change and chaos. Some management sages advocated new “generative transformational” forms of learning to deal with an external reality in which everything is constantly evolving or “becoming”.In this study, we illustrate the effect of transformational leadership on organizational culture. The population of the research consists of 250 people of managers of the companies of  Petrochemical  industries in Iran. A sample of 152 subjects was selected as statistical sampling .The results of the study support the hypotheses. Transformational leadership has a positive and significant correlation with the components of organizational culture such as Trust, Collaboration, Learning and Formalization.

 [Jokar A, Survay  the Effect  of Transformational Leadership on Organizational Culture in Petrochemical Industry in Iran. J Am Sci 2022;18(5):61-68]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online). http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 9. doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.09.


Keywords: Transformational Leadership; Organizational Culture, Organizational learning, Formalization, Trust

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Effect of Neem extract on multidrug resistant Escherichia coli isolated from broiler chickens


Amal Said Abdel Salam ElOksh1, Mervat Abdelbadie Mohamed Ayoub2, Heba Salah El deen Soliman Salem3, Maha Mohammed El Alem2, Soad Ahmed Mekawy4, Shaimaa Hassan Shaltot5


1 Biotechnology Department, RLQP, AHRI, Sharkia Branch, ARC, Egypt

2 Pathology Department, AHRI, Zagazig Branch, ARC, Egypt

3 Bacteriology Department, AHRI, Zagazig Branch, ARC, Egypt

4 Clinical pathology Department, AHRI, Zagazig Branch, ARC, Egypt

5 Bacteriology Department,RLQP, AHRI, Dokki Branch, ARC, Egypt

Corresponding Author: Saidamal19@yahoo.com


Abstract: The goal of this work was to focus on the efficacy of aqueous extract of 10% Neem leaves against colibacillosis, two hundred broiler chickens samples were collected from different localities of El-Sharkia governorate, Egypt, (52%) were positive for E.coli. The highest incidence was O6 (23%), while O119, O2 and O146 were (15.4%). Disk diffusion method showed variable range of antibiotic resistance which revealed high prevalence of multidrug resistance phenotypes among isolates. Studying genotypic attributes of isolates using PCR, all tested E.coli isolates were positive for virulence genes (phoA and iss) (100%),while (iroN and ompT) (80%), in addition, blaCTX-M antibiotic resistance gene was shown positive 100% in all MDR E.coli, while (aadAI and qnrS) (90%),(ermB and tetA) (80%) and (sulI) (70%). The isolated APEC O119 0.5 ml (1.0 × 108 CFU) used to induce an organized experimental study on eighty, one day old chicks, the clinical sings and the postmortem lesions were recorded, also histopathological, hematological and biochemical examination were be performed. The hematological results revealed macrocytic normochromic anemia, leukocytosis, heterophilia, monocytosis and lymphopenia in infected group , biochemical results revealed the increase alteration in liver and kidney function tests, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory marker, immunoglobulins IgA and IgM, while prophylaxis in group E ameliorate that occurred in all examined parameters. The study suggest that using 10% Neem leaves extract as a prophylaxis in addition to amoxicillin ameliorate the alteration in hematological , biochemical , inflammatory markers , antioxidant, immunoglobulin's and histopathological changes of all examined organ in infected broilers by E.coli.

[Amal Said Abdel Salam ElOksh, Mervat Abdelbadie Mohamed Ayoub, Heba Salah El deen Soliman Salem, Maha Mohammed El Alem, Soad Ahmed Mekawy, Shaimaa Hassan Shaltot. Effect of Neem extract on multidrug resistant Escherichia coli isolated from broiler chickens Am Sci 2022;18(5):69-89]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online).http://www.jofamericanscience.org  10.doi:10.7537/marsjas180522.10.


Keywords: Colibacillosis - Antibacterial – Broiler chicken- Hematology – Neem extract- multidrug Resistant E.coli –Virulence gene- Resistant gene- Histopathology.

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 The manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for peer-review, starting from April 3, 2022. 

 All comments are welcome: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com, or contact with author(s) directly.

For back issues of the Journal of American Science, click here.

Emails: editor@americanscience.org; americansciencej@gmail.com

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